Welcome to our Kangaroo Island Christian Church and Christian Community Centre, where faith and fellowship intertwine in the heart of our vibrant community.

Make our community your community

Bible-Based Services

Community Meals


Welcome to our Seventh-day Adventist community, a haven of faith and fellowship on the beautiful Kangaroo Island. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus, we cherish the Sabbath, promote holistic well-being, service to the community and anticipate Christ’s soon return. We invite you to join us in a shared journey of worship and service, fostering spiritual growth and community. Whether you’re exploring our beliefs or are a long-standing member, your presence enriches our family. Together, let’s live out the Gospel in our daily lives, united in hope and purpose.


There are no upcoming events at this time


At the Kangaroo Island Christian Community Centre, we extend a warm invitation to our monthly community meals, held on the fourth Saturday of almost every month throughout the year. These gatherings are more than just meals; they are a celebration of fellowship and nourishment. Our community lunches offer healthy, delicious food that can be enjoyed in the good company of friends and neighbors. It’s an opportunity to connect, share stories, and strengthen bonds within our community. Everyone is welcome to join us at these tables of fellowship, where we come together to enjoy not just the food, but also the warmth and camaraderie of our vibrant community.


Since joining the Kangaroo Island Seventh-day Adventist church community, I can honestly say that many of these people have become my best friends. I absolutely cherish the friendships I have built and the warmth of our little church community.
Scott Heitmann



July 22, 2023

Today we witnessed a very special moment – the baptism of Fraser Kuchel by Pastor Scott Heitmann. It was winter, and it was raining, but by the grace of God, absolutely nothing could stop Fraser from being baptised as a public declaration of his acceptance of Jesus as his Saviour.  May God bless you Fraser on your new walk with Him 🙏

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Nov 3, 2023

The Seventh-day Adventist church community from all around South Australia gathered together for the annual regional meeting. 

During this meeting many of those in attendance made decisions to become involved in full-time ministry, others to be trained in small groups, and many to be trained in digital ministry. 

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Nov 19, 2023

A huge thank-you to Kindness and Health Matters, a ministry of ADRA focused on serving the community through kindness and health initiatives. They attended the monthly markets with more than 70 people receiving free community health checks.

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Weekly Bible Studies

In the heart of our Kangaroo Island Church Community is a deep passion for the Bible and a commitment to exploring its teachings together. We hold weekly Bible study meetings, where members of all backgrounds come to delve into the scriptures, seeking understanding, inspiration, and guidance. These sessions are more than just learning; they are a journey of shared discovery, where questions are welcomed and insights are celebrated. Whether you’re a seasoned Bible reader or new to its pages, our study group offers a welcoming and supportive environment to grow in faith and knowledge. We cherish these moments of connection, not only with the scriptures but also with each other, as we strengthen our bond through the shared love of God’s Word.


At the Kangaroo Island Christian Community Centre, we understand that life can be challenging for a variety of reasons. In response, we are proud to offer food hampers as part of our commitment to support and uplift those in need. Our goal is to provide not just physical nourishment, but also a sense of care and community through these hampers. Packed with quality, nutritious food, they represent our dedication to sharing kindness and helping hands during difficult times. If you or someone you know is struggling, feel free to contact us by clicking the button below.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the Seventh-day Adventist church?

Seventh Day Adventism is a Christian denomination that observes the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) and emphasizes a holistic approach to health and wellness. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ and follow the teachings of the Bible as our ultimate guide for faith and practice.

What can I expect during a typical worship service?

While larger churches dunc imperdiet laoreet est et imperdiet. Maecenas tempus augue non euismod elementum. Curabitur a nunc libero. Phasellus orci mauris, imperdiet vel magna quis, convallis sagittis magna.

When and where are your worship services held?

Our worship service is held every Saturday at 10:00 am for the Bible Study hour and main sermon begins at 11:00 am. We welcome you to join us for a meaningful time of worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth.

Do I need to bring anything?

Only imperdiet laoreet est et imperdiet. Maecenas tempus augue non euismod elementum. Curabitur a nunc libero.

Daily Devotional